Customer Notice: Counterfeit Furutech products shipping out of China.
We have many confirmed cases of counterfeit “Furutech” product and cases of other brands’ counterfeit product show Furutech’s trademarked “NCF” logo shipping out of China and Hong Kong. Please be advised that while Furutech does supply Furutech made NCF connectors to select cable and component makers, Furutech does not supply the NCF material only for use in a maker’s product. Therefore, if you find the NCF logo on a connector or socket not made by Furutech, it will be counterfeit product (example: Acrolink NCF connectors and receptacles).
NCF is also a registered trademark to Furutech (“NCF” USA Reg No. 5,145,049; “NCF” Germany No. 30 2016 000 978; “NCF” China No. 18881752; “NCF” Japan No. 5855796)
Here at Furutech, we are being vigilant in having Furutech and NCF badged counterfeit product removed from popular ecommerce platforms. However, Chinese based ecommerce platforms AliExpress and Taobao have been problematic and they give little regard to legitimate trademark infringements.
Please be advised that any Furutech or NCF badged product on AliExpress or Taobao shipping out of China or Hong Kong is without a doubt counterfeit.
Also, please note that NO Furutech product or Furutech product part is made in China, so our products are not easily accessible there. Also, Chinese import duties on Japanese products are extremely high, so finding low cost authentic Furutech product in China would be impossible.